Barrhaven and Area Safety Instructional Courses

REGISTER FOR MY COURSES Below- Click on the picture to register. My new email is

Courses are $75 per participant. If a course is full please add your name to the Waitlist at
  Babysitting Course

Tuesday, August 13th
(9:00 am to 5:00 PM)
Grade 6 Students & Over

  Home Alone Course

Thursday, August 15th
(9:00 am to 4:00 PM)
Grade 4 Students & Over

About BASICS with Karen

Barrhaven and Area Safety Instructional Courses for Students: All courses are now taught at the Nepean School of Music

BASICS With Karen: "B.A.S.I.C.S" is an acronym for "Barrhaven and Area Safety Instructional Courses for Students." The Home Alone and the Babysitting Courses are taught through the Canada Safety Council. The My Safe Life Course is taught through the SOS 4 Kids Organization to children and youth from ages 7 and over. It is owned and operated by Karen Fromm, a Child and Youth Worker who possesses 30 years of experience. She is an accredited CPR, First Aid & Non-Violent Crisis Intervention provider. She possesses certification in Quest Training in Healthy Child Development.... more